Benefits of each sponsorship level are detailed on previous page
Thank you for sponsoring the 2025 Sporstmans Banquet. You’re almost done! Did you know that FCA is the only legal ministry still allowed to meet in our public schools? Make no mistake about it, we are in a battle for the future of our country. Would you partner with us in praying for this event until it’s here? Not only that, would you please communicate to your guest the importance of this ministry and the impact it’s making in our community? By doing this and encouraging them to give the night of the event, you link arms with God in what He is doing in and through NMTN FCA.
We can’t do this without you! Our Corporate Sponsors & Table Host make this event happen. 100% of the money raised from this event will stay locally to impact our schools, our kids, and our community. The next generation of leaders deserve our best! Let’s give it to them.
We will be sending out important information as the event gets closer. Once you have confirmed guests for your table, please fill out the Guest List Form on our website.
Again, thank you so much for Sponsoring!
Payment may be made the night of the event, or by contacting Devin at