Robertson County FCA Golf Tournament

Thursday, May 8th

Registration: 10:00am

Lunch: 10:30am

Tee Off:  12:00pm

Legacy Golf Course

100 Raymond Floyd Dr, Springfield, TN 37172

The purpose of the FCA Golf Tournament Fundraiser is to generate financial support to enable the FCA ministry to fulfill its mission.


Corporate Title Sponsor - $4,000

-  Recognized in all tournament references

-  Company/Individual name or logo will be printed on an item for all participating golfers. Cost will be determined based on the item selected 

-  Name and logo will be included on all literature and signs involved in the event as well as promotions. 

- May set up table or tent at golf course to advertise and offer water/drinks to golfers

-  4 playing spots in tournament along with lunch, snack bag, and participation in prizes

-  Tee sign will be displayed on one of the Tee Boxes

Presenting Sponsor - $2,500

-  Name and logo will be included on al literature and signs involved in the event as well as promotions. 

-  May set up table or tent at golf course to advertise and offer water/drinks to golfers

-  4 playing spots in tournament along with lunch, snack bag, and participation in prizes

-  Tee sign will be displayed on one of the Tee Boxes

Hole Sponsor - $1,250

-  May set up table or tent at golf course to advertise and offer water/drinks to golfers

-  4 playing spots in tournament along with lunch, snack bag, and participation in prizes

-  Tee sign - one sign will be placed on a tee box with info and logo (if desired.)

Tee Sponsor - $300

-  Tee sign - one sign will be placed on a tee box with info and logo (if desired.)

-  Recognition in all event literature

If you have questions about the event, please contact Andrew Fortner at

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